This is a collection of songs (mp3 files) I sing to my kids on a regular basis. The purpose of this collection is to give my kids something they can have for the rest of their lives and hopefully play for their own kids.
The song “Anniversary Waltz is very special. My grandmother, Millie Meyer, recorded some piano music when she was in her late 80s. I recorded my voice over her music nearly 4 years after her passing. She was not playing the song to be sung, so I had to improvise a bit.
Baby James
Old Friends
Fire and Rain
Frozen Man
The Boxer
Slip Sliding Away
What a Wonderful World
An American Tune
For What It’s Worth
Danny’s Song
You’ve Got a Friend
Puff The Magic Dragon
Something in the Way She Moves
The Anniversary Waltz
What a Wonderful World (my Louie Armstrong immitation)